Research about contact between Spanish and Andean region natav laaimages evades the ccrntrsversy existing between those who deny any kínd of influence and those who sustain tht claim. Indigenous languages in our continent have very diverse types of mlationship with Spanish; even within the sane nation. In the Andean region, bilingualism went I~andin hand with crossbreeding. We sustain that it is necessary to face contact languages studies in the Andean region in a wide social context of sociolinguistic relationships. In the case of Aymara, we can find influences in o syntactic organization and in semantics shift giving rise to unprecedented contents in general Spanish. Sorne phenomena of this type are analyzed in this paper.
languages in contact, Andean region, influence of native languages, Bolivian Spanish
Coello Vila, C. (2007). Lenguas en contacto en el área andina. Boletín De Filología, 42, Pág. 37–49. Retrieved from