It is generally accepted, at least in Mexican Spanish dialectology,that grarnmatical ghenomena, differently from phonetic or lexicalones, do not delimit precise dialectal zones and their isoglosses are uncertain and blurred. Nevertheless, it can be postulated that, in some cases, interesting differences with respect to other Spanish variants can be observed. The analysis of. some maps of the Mexican Linguistic Atlas, that explain nominal derivation phenomena, show differences that are worth considering in relation to European Spanish. Besides, in a few occasions, these maps make it possible to postulate, for Mexican Spanish, even though not very precisely, the existente of some dialectal zones delimited by isoglosses of a grammatical nature.
dialectology, linguistic geography, derivation morphology, nominal derivation
Moreno de Alba, J. G. (2007). Notas de morfología derivativa dialectal (Atlas Lingüístico de México). Boletín De Filología, 42, Pág. 119–135. Retrieved from