In this article, we present glottopolitical studies and the models through which this subdiscipline articulates language and politics.From a glottopolitical perspective, we analyze the panhispanic language policy through a corpus of texts that includes the paratextual elements of the principal linguistic works produced by the Royal Spanish Academy and the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language. The analysis shows that these policies and discourse are ideologically anchored in the conceptual structure of liberal democracy. Finally, using Chantal Mouffe’s critique of post-political thought, we contrast the academies’ linguistic regime with two episodes in which members of RAE and ASALE engaged in polemics with other institutions. This comparison allows us to conclude by
exposing the limitations of RAE and ASALE’s discourses of selflegitimization.
del Valle, J. (2015). The political in language and the limitations of panhispanic language policies. Boletín De Filología, 49(2), Pág. 87 –112. Retrieved from