Castilian grammar became a teaching discipline in Spain and Latin America in 1813, when its study was generalized; before that, Latin grammar was mandatory. This paper aims at making a structural and content analysis of the text Brevísimas nociones de Analogía Castellana (1891) taking into account the context of the teaching of this discipline in Cuba. The book was edited in Santiago de Cuba in 1891 by Julio Severiano Hernández y García, “Full Professor of incomplete teaching” and Director of the private college San Severiano; the book follows the peculiarities of the manuals of that time, but it also stands out, unlike others, by the use of example belonging to the colloquial level in the language of the region at the time.
Castilian grammar, linguistic historiography, analogy
Bonne Bravo, A., Bidot Martínez, I., & Causse Cathcart, M. (2016). Brief notions of Castilian analogy (1891) from Julio Severiano Hernández y García: a text to teach School Grammar in Santiago de Cuba. Boletín De Filología, 50(2), Pág. 11–31. Retrieved from