In this paper we attempt to examine the way the dictionary, as a discursive instrument, historical and ideological (Lauria, 2010, 2011) has intervened in the construction of the sense of the discursive object inmigrante. Thus, this work consists in reveal and analyse diachronically the different lexicographic meanings that the entry inmigrante, the semantically close lexemes (emigrante, migrante, etc.) and the linked verbs (emigrar, inmigrar, migrar) had in the Spanish language dictionaries edited in Spain and Argentina between 1726 and 1910.We will consider, firstly, the way in which the production conditions, either immediately or broadly speaking (Orlandi, 2015), have largely determined the historical changes that the semantic field of immigration experienced in the Spanish lexicography during the XIX century. Secondly, we will reflect on the way that the local production has re-signified the immigrant at the beginning of the XX century, key historic moment when the "mass immigration" phenomenon and the commemoration of the Centenary of the Revolution of May come together.
inmigrant, immigration, dictionary, lexicography, Argentina
Baretta, M. (2019). Define and redefine the immigrant: analysis of his lexicographical treatment in the dictionaries of the spanish language (Spain-Argentina, 1726-1910). Boletín De Filología, 54(1), pp. 11–37. Retrieved from