
Meridional. Chilean Journal of Latin American Studies is pleased to invite you to participate in the dossier “Relevance of Latin American Marxism: Thinking from, with, and beyond Michael Löwy’s work”, which consists in our 21st volume, to be published in October 2023. 

Family and Daily Life in Rural Indigenous Populations. Cacicazgo de Codpa (1774-1820)


  • Xochitl Inostroza Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación/Universidad de Chile


The colonial history of the family has been mainly written taking into consideration multi-ethnic urban villages, and downplaying the specific dynamics observed in rural indigenous populations. Based on marriage information from the doctrines of Belén and Codpa, I analyze the peculiarities of everyday life in the Indian villages of the chiefdom of Codpa as it relates to the cycle of life and the configuration of the family.


doctrines, daily life, family, culture, Viceroyalty of Perú