The critical Pedagogy of Paulo Freire


  • Rosana Ferreira Pontes
  • Selma Garrido Pimenta Faculdade de Educação, Universidade de São Paulo/Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Universidade Católica de Santos,


This paper presents a historical outline of Paulo Freire’s life and work, highlighting aspects that justify his critical posture before Pedagogy. It enters into his main book, aiming to analyze structural principles in Freirean pedagogy that can contribute for a proposal in the field of Didactic, such as the perspective of the subject, means of construction of knowledge and the category of untested feasibility. The paper concludes reflecting that Freirean ideas are vital to advance, in Brazil nowadays, without letting us be depressed, believing that education has the power to transform oppressive realities.


Paulo Freire, Critical Pedagogy, Didactics