In this article the main features of the format of digital reading are presented, particularly in comparison with print. In order to carry out this aim, the reading in digital format of four reading materials in contemporary Chile (books, magazines, newspapers and comics) is analyzed drawing on the Estudio de Comportamiento Lector 2014 (Study of Reading Behavior). Reading practices are analyzed as broader cultural practices, which allows to establish links between reading practices and certain social groups. Particularly, the implications of being an ‘omnivore reader’ are examined, considering digital and print formats. Results show that ‘omnivore readers’ correspond to reading profiles of advantaged social positions in terms of education and household income. Furthermore, omnivores express a greater willingness to read different materials and formats. Finally, an intergenerational reproduction of the unequal disposition to reading in digital formats is evidenced when analyzing the parents’ reading education.
digital reading in Chile, reading practices in Chile, reading and social distinction, cultural omnivorousness
Moya, C., & Gerber, M. M. (2017). La lectura en formatos digitales en el Chile actual: nuevas prácticas y viejas desigualdades. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (94). Retrieved from
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