
Articles received by April 30 can be published in the first semester, and those received by September 15 can be published in the corresponding second-semester issue.

Towards a procedure for the claims of Public State Liability in the Cuban medical activity



Liability of the Public Administration is a legal guarantee of the citizens which postulates the right of citizens to claim for the damages arising from their intervention. Medical activity its one of the reference sectors of its normative and jurisprudential development from comparative contexts. In Cuba, the constitucional regulation does not have a normative development that regulates a procedure of requirement in such sector. The present work has as objective to base the theoretical elements necessary for the configuration procedure for the claim for damages in the Cuban medical activity, for the purpose of the improvement of its legal regime. For its paper, the work is divided into several essential parts, starting from the theoretical-jurisprudential postulate of the constitutional bases, and the analysis of the limitations of the procedural ordering in Cuban medical activity, as the basis for the proposal the fundamentals of the mechanism in administrative health service providers for the requirement of liability in medical activity.


Claim, public liability, administrative appeal, administrative procedure, medical activity

Author Biography

Amed Ramírez Sánchez, Universidad de La Habana

Amed Ramírez Sánchez es profesor auxiliar de Derecho Administrativo en la Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.