Laringitis aguda obstructiva o crup viral


  • María Fernanda Bustos P. Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Programa Formación Unidad de Urgencia Infantil
  • Miguel Guzmán N. Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Unidad de Urgencia Pediátrica
  • Cristina Galeno S. Universidad de Chile


We present the problem of viral croup or acute laryngotracheitis as an important respiratory issue in children that often prompts parents to seek physician consultation. Despite its frequency, there is still controversy among the medical team regarding its treatment. The problem will be defined and analyzed in-depth in terms of pathogenesis, to finally suggest a simple, clinically effective treatment than can be applied in any emergency service. We highlight the importance of epinephrine and corticosteroids in the acute treatment of these patients.


Crup, Laringitis