The feminization of teaching in scientific research: An integrated review



The subaltern relationship of women with work is observed in segregated areas of the labour market, such as education and the phenomenon of teacher feminisation. In order to make a synthesis of the scientific knowledge on the subject, an integrated review was carried out in the Scopus, WOS and SciELO databases, between 1975 and 2020. Forty-three documents were retrieved and critically analysed and classified into Historical studies, From the social sciences and Essays. The results showed the historical development of the process in various countries around the world, linked to the formation of national education systems promoted by the States, where the maternal qualities of women as teachers and the lower salaries they received were highlighted. At present, the ideal of the teacher-mother persists, with female teachers occupying a subordinate role even in the hierarchical structure of schools, differences that can only be explained by gender. The international evidence is consistent with what has been analysed on the historical development of the feminisation of teaching in Chile, which is why this inquiry outlines different research veins to delve deeper into the subject, mainly from the voices of female teachers, the main gap detected was.


Feminized work, Feminization of teachers, Sexual division of labor, Job segregation, Teaching job

Author Biography

Cristina Jara-Villarroel, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación

Dra(c) en Educación, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE). Magíster en Ciencias Sociales, mención Sociología de la Modernización, Universidad de Chile. Profesora de Historia, Geografía y Educación Cívica, UMCE